In hour 2 of the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, Clay and Buck dive into the critical Wisconsin State Supreme Court race with Judge Brad Schimel, WI State Supreme Court Nominee. They discuss the high stakes of this election, emphasizing its impact on congressional redistricting and the balance of power in the House. Judge Schimel highlights the national attention the race has garnered, including endorsements from prominent figures like President Trump, and the significant financial support from out-of-state donors for his opponent. He stresses the importance of voter turnout, particularly among Trump supporters, to secure a victory. The conversation also covers broader implications for Wisconsin, including potential changes to voter integrity laws, the balance of power between legislative and executive branches, and the future of Act 10, which limits the negotiating powers of public employee unions. Judge Schimel outlines his commitment to ending the reign of activist judges and restoring objectivity to the court. Additionally, Clay and Buck share personal anecdotes and listener interactions, adding a relatable and humorous touch to the program. They discuss the importance of early voting and the need for Wisconsin voters to turn out in force to support Judge Schimel. The hour also includes a discussion on the viral video of a woman named Zoe, who shares her dating experiences and political views. Zoe describes dating a man who identified as socially liberal but fiscally conservative, and her frustration with his lack of political research. Clay and Buck reflect on the challenges of dating across political lines and the broader implications of ideological divides in relationships. They also touch on the biological and social factors influencing dating preferences and the impact of political beliefs on personal relationships.
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